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"A Gift from New London" Booking Now!

Art by Appointment invites you to attend our latest art experience for an audience of one, A Gift From New London.  Only 22 slots available for September 25-27 -

Don't Miss! - Reserve your appointment here


A Gift explores virtual communication and how it affects what can be expressed or shared. This visual experience is designed to create a temporary suspension of the ways we normally perceive space, time and the boundaries between "You" and "I". This is an environment designed to disrupt our everyday use of virtual communication and its protocols, and to find our own way of having a dialogue by using only objects and images.

To reserve your appointment visit our online booking service, or email or call 320-557-5584. A Gift will be performed at Little Theatre every hour on the hour:

Friday, Sept 25:  6-9pm

Saturday, Sept 26: 11am - 8pm

Sunday, Sept 27: 11am - 6pm


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