🌈 Great News! Catwalk Party returns to Little theatre Auditorium celebrating the music of the 70s, 80s and 90s & today! Feel free to join in the fun! Hair, makeup, all the attire! Dress up in the era of your choice!
🎟 TICKETS $5-$30 tickets are available online or at the Door. All tickets are general admission, with standing and seated spaces to accommodate capacity.
7pm Doors
8pm Show Starts
💥Featuring: Lexi D, Stacy Hundin, Izzy Stunnin', Ted Hungdy, Mrs. Moxie + local guests Kaaty Whompass and Ms. Conduct!
🍹Come thirsty for cocktails & mocktails!
💵 bring your $1s to tip the performers!
❗️Must be 18+ for this event. ID is required to enter.
💝 Please help keep our community safe by not coming if you are sick, and wear a mask (not required at this time, but suggested).
🤝 Security by SQUEERITY LLC (read about Squeerity here: https://racketmn.com/sequeerity-is-changing-the-face-of-gun-ownership-in-minnesota)
Little Theatre Auditorium is committed to creating a safe, accessible, and inclusive space for all of its visitors, staff, and volunteers. To maintain this safe space and promote respect for everyone at LTA we insist that while on theater property refrain from the following:
Verbal or physical abuse or harassment of theater visitors, staff or volunteers
Covert and overt hate speech or promotion of current and historical hate groups
Disrespect of a visitor, staff member, or volunteer’s identity
Repeated disruption or intimidation of theater visitors, staff, or volunteers
Attempted vandalism or theft
The intentional obstruction of public access ways or prevention of theater staff duties
Refusal to follow these policies or the directions of theater staff
If this behavior is observed by, or reported to LTA staff, any person found to have participated in prohibited conduct will be subject to direction including but not limited to being asked to leave or trespassed from the property. The final decision of discipline is at the discretion of LTA staff.
Dominic Facio is the 2022 Little Theatre Auditorium Small Stages Artist in Residency. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.